Module argon2

Lua C binding for the Argon2 password hashing function.

Compatible with Lua 5.x and LuaJIT. See the Argon2 documentation for in-depth instructions and details about Argon2.

This module's version is compatible with Argon2 20161029 and later.

Note: this document is also valid for the lua-argon2-ffi module: an FFI implementation of this binding for LuaJIT which uses the same API as this original implementaiton.


  • Release: 3.0.1
  • License: MIT
  • Author: Thibault Charbonnier


hash_encoded (plain, salt, options) Hashes a password with Argon2i, Argon2d, or Argon2id, producing an encoded hash.
verify (encoded, password) Verifies a password against an encoded string.


variants Argon2 hashing variants.
options Argon2 hashing options.


hash_encoded (plain, salt, options)
Hashes a password with Argon2i, Argon2d, or Argon2id, producing an encoded hash.


  • plain string Plain string to hash_encoded.
  • salt string Salt to use to hash the plain string.
  • options table Options with which to hash the plain string. See options. This parameter is optional, if values are omitted the default ones will be used.


  1. string encoded: Encoded hash computed by Argon2, or nil if an error occurred.
  2. string err: nil, or a string describing the error if any.


    local hash, err = argon2.hash_encoded("password", "somesalt")
    if err then
      error("could not hash_encoded: " .. err)
    -- with options and variant
    local hash, err = argon2.hash_encoded("password", "somesalt", {
      t_cost = 4,
      m_cost = math.pow(2, 16), -- 65536 KiB
      variant = argon2.variants.argon2_d
verify (encoded, password)
Verifies a password against an encoded string.


  • encoded string Encoded string to verify the plain password against.
  • password string Plain password to verify.


  1. boolean ok: true if the password matches, false if it is a mismatch. If an error occurs during the verification, will be nil.
  2. string err: nil, or a string describing the error if any. A password mismatch will not return an error, but will return ok = false instead.


    local ok, err = argon2.verify(argon2i_hash, "password")
    if err then
      -- failure to verify (*not* a password mismatch)
      error("could not verify: " .. err)
    if not ok then
      -- password mismatch
      error("The password does not match the supplied hash")
    -- with a argon2d hash
    local ok, err = argon2.verify(argon2d_hash, "password")


Argon2 hashing variants. Those fields are userdatums, read-only values that can be fed to the module's configuration or the hash_encoded function. See the Argon2 documentation for a description of those variants.


  • argon2_i
  • argon2_d
  • argon2_id
Argon2 hashing options. Those options can be given to hash_encoded as a table. If values are omitted, the default values of this module will be used. Default values of this module can be overriden with m_cost(), t_cost(), parallelism(), hash_len(), and variant().


  • t_cost

    Number of iterations (number, default: 3).

    argon2.hash_encoded("password", "salt", { t_cost = 4 })

    Can be set to a new default in lua-argon2 (C binding only) by calling:

  • m_cost

    Sets memory usage as KiB (number, default: 4096).

    argon2.hash_encoded("password", "salt", {
      m_cost = math.pow(2, 16) -- 2^16 aka 65536 KiB

    Can be set to a new default in lua-argon2 (C binding only) by calling:

  • parallelism

    Number of threads and compute lanes (number, default: 1).

    argon2.hash_encoded("password", "salt", { parallelism = 2 })

    Can be set to a new default in lua-argon2 (C binding only) by calling:

  • hash_len

    Length of the hash output length (number, default: 32).

    argon2.hash_encoded("password", "salt", { hash_len = 64 })

    Can be set to a new default in lua-argon2 (C binding only) by calling:

  • variant

    Choose the Argon2 variant to use (Argon2i, Argon2d, Argon2id) from the variants table. (userdata, default: argon2.variants.argon2_i).

    argon2.hash_encoded("password", "salt", { variant = argon2.variants.argon2_d })

    Can be set to a new default in lua-argon2 (C binding only) by calling:

generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2018-06-10 15:08:11