Module jit-uuid

jit-uuid Fast and dependency-free UUID library for LuaJIT/ngx_lua.


  • Release: 0.0.7
  • License: MIT
  • Author: Thibault Charbonnier


seed (seed) Seed the random number generator.
is_valid (str) Validate a string as a UUID.
generate_v4 () Generate a v4 UUID.
factory_v3 (namespace) Instanciate a v3 UUID factory.
factory_v5 (namespace) Instanciate a v5 UUID factory.
generate_v3 (namespace, name) Generate a v3 UUID.
generate_v5 (namespace, name) Generate a v5 UUID.


seed (seed)
Seed the random number generator. Under the hood, this function calls math.randomseed. It makes sure to use the most appropriate seeding technique for the current environment, guaranteeing a unique seed.

To guarantee unique UUIDs, you must have correctly seeded the Lua pseudo-random generator (with math.randomseed). You are free to seed it any way you want, but this function can do it for you if you'd like, with some added guarantees.


  • seed number (Optional) A seed to use. If none given, will generate one trying to use the most appropriate technique.


    number seed: the seed given to math.randomseed.


    local uuid = require 'resty.jit-uuid'
    -- in ngx_lua, seed in the init_worker context:
    init_worker_by_lua {
      local uuid = require 'resty.jit-uuid'
is_valid (str)
Validate a string as a UUID. To be considered valid, a UUID must be given in its canonical form (hexadecimal digits including the hyphen characters). This function validates UUIDs disregarding their generation algorithm, and in a case-insensitive manner, but checks the variant field.

Use JIT PCRE if available in OpenResty or fallbacks on Lua patterns.


  • str string String to verify.


    boolean valid: true if valid UUID, false otherwise.


    local uuid = require 'resty.jit-uuid'
    uuid.is_valid 'cbb297c0-a956-486d-ad1d-f9bZZZZZZZZZ' --> false
    uuid.is_valid 'cbb297c0-a956-486d-dd1d-f9b42df9465a' --> false (invalid variant)
    uuid.is_valid 'cbb297c0a956486dad1df9b42df9465a'     --> false (no dashes)
    uuid.is_valid 'cbb297c0-a956-486d-ad1d-f9b42df9465a' --> true
generate_v4 ()
Generate a v4 UUID. v4 UUIDs are created from randomly generated numbers.


    string uuid: a v4 (randomly generated) UUID.


    local uuid = require 'resty.jit-uuid'
    local u1 = uuid()             ---> __call metamethod
    local u2 = uuid.generate_v4()
factory_v3 (namespace)
Instanciate a v3 UUID factory.



  1. function factory: a v3 UUID generator.
  2. string err: a string describing an error


    local uuid = require 'resty.jit-uuid'
    local fact = assert(uuid.factory_v3('e6ebd542-06ae-11e6-8e82-bba81706b27d'))
    local u1 = fact('hello')
    ---> 3db7a435-8c56-359d-a563-1b69e6802c78
    local u2 = fact('foobar')
    ---> e8d3eeba-7723-3b72-bbc5-8f598afa6773
factory_v5 (namespace)
Instanciate a v5 UUID factory.



  1. function factory: a v5 UUID generator.
  2. string err: a string describing an error


    local uuid = require 'resty.jit-uuid'
    local fact = assert(uuid.factory_v5('e6ebd542-06ae-11e6-8e82-bba81706b27d'))
    local u1 = fact('hello')
    ---> 4850816f-1658-5890-8bfd-1ed14251f1f0
    local u2 = fact('foobar')
    ---> c9be99fc-326b-5066-bdba-dcd31a6d01ab
generate_v3 (namespace, name)
Generate a v3 UUID. v3 UUIDs are created from a namespace and a name (a UUID and a string). The same name and namespace result in the same UUID. The same name and different namespaces result in different UUIDs, and vice-versa. The resulting UUID is derived using MD5 hashing.

This is a sugar function which instanciates a short-lived v3 UUID factory. It is an expensive operation, and intensive generation using the same namespaces should prefer allocating their own long-lived factory with factory_v3.



  1. string uuid: a v3 (namespaced) UUID.
  2. string err: a string describing an error


    local uuid = require 'resty.jit-uuid'
    local u = uuid.generate_v3('e6ebd542-06ae-11e6-8e82-bba81706b27d', 'hello')
    ---> 3db7a435-8c56-359d-a563-1b69e6802c78
generate_v5 (namespace, name)
Generate a v5 UUID. v5 UUIDs are created from a namespace and a name (a UUID and a string). The same name and namespace result in the same UUID. The same name and different namespaces result in different UUIDs, and vice-versa. The resulting UUID is derived using SHA-1 hashing.

This is a sugar function which instanciates a short-lived v5 UUID factory. It is an expensive operation, and intensive generation using the same namespaces should prefer allocating their own long-lived factory with factory_v5.



  1. string uuid: a v5 (namespaced) UUID.
  2. string err: a string describing an error


    local uuid = require 'resty.jit-uuid'
    local u = uuid.generate_v5('e6ebd542-06ae-11e6-8e82-bba81706b27d', 'hello')
    ---> 4850816f-1658-5890-8bfd-1ed14251f1f0
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2017-12-16 15:37:21